Friday, November 2, 2018

Returning to blogging

It's been a long time since I blogged. Family issues became more intense and time consuming. My youngest daughter had to deal with some severe health issues, with me as her primary round-the-clock caregiver. While I continued on doing genealogy as my "stress buster," blogging took a back seat.

I am now a grandma :) Two wonderful little girls who live nearby. The youngest has put us on a steep learning curve since she has Spina Bifida. She was on the receiving end of in-utero surgery to close up her spine. Only time will tell what her needs will be as she is still very much a young baby, born 6 weeks early. Big sister is very helpful and blossoming into her own wonderful interests.

I have made some visits to Scotland and had some interesting conversations with my dad about his army days etc. I'm also trying to get other family members to share stories with me.

It's been fun connecting with cousins in Australia, USA and Canada over the past wee while. That helped with some "unknown to me line" discoveries. Plenty of "where did they disappear too?" research has happened. New updates on internet sites has also furthered my research. One thing that has not changed - my furthest back direct lines. I'm still stuck with that so I have been researching other twigs and branches.

I'm looking forward to writing again and sharing my discoveries. I hope you will come along with me as I continue to learn about Our Scottish Heritage.

Carol H.

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